The "psychoanalytic case history" [Lebensgeschichte] is by no means a history, but [an explanation by means of] a naturalistic chain of causes, a chain of cause and effect, and even more, a construct Compare Being and Time (pp. 426, 428; "historicity"). [203]
Possibilities, the possibilities of Dasein, are not a subject's tendencies or capacities. They always result, so to say, only from "outside," that is, from the particular historical situation of being-able-to-comport-oneself and of choosing, from the comportment toward what is encountered.*
See Being and Time (p. 460) regarding "clearing" and "temporality
Temporalizing† as letting [Da-sein's] temporality come forth is an unfolding and emerging and, thus, an appearing.
Natura (Latin) derives from nasci, "to be born." φύσις → φύειν (Greek) means to emerge in a sense of coming from concealment [Verborgenheit] to unconcealment. Neither the word natura nor φύσις has a connection with time.
Knowledge [German: Wissen; English: wise] is related to "wit"→videa (Sanskrit: vydia). Thereby, in the Greek word ἰδέα the υ has disappeared. It always means to put something into the light. To find one's way is only a consequence of seeing, of "being aware," of Bewissens (which is similar in form to beschreiben), "to surround with light" [mit einem Licht umgeben] (see E. Bleuler's essay about disorders of consciousness).‡ Consciousness presupposes "clearing" and Dasein, and not conversely.
Rather than speaking about possibilities as constituents of Dasein, it is always better to speak about potentiality-to-be [Seinkönnen] in the sense of the potentiality for being-in-the-world. The particular potentiality-to-be is glimpsed from the particular, historical Da-sein in the world, determined this or that way. Historical is the way and manner with which I comport myself toward what comes toward me, to what is present, and to what has been. Every potentiality-to-be for something is a determined
* See Heidegger, Being and Time, p. 183, concerning the difference between logical (modal) possibility of things present-at-hand and Da-sein's existential potentiality-to-be. See also Heidegger, Basic Writings, p. 196; Contributions to Philosophy, pp. 196-98. See ZS 95.—TRANSLATORS
† Zeitigung [temporalizing, literally: ripening, bringing to fruition] is Da-sein's temporality [Zeitlichkeit] appearing in the unity of the "ecstases" of the future, the having been, and the present. It appears in the mode of authentic temporality or of inauthentic temporality, i.e., leveled down to the common "time" as a pure succession of nows. See Being and Time, p. 376 f.; The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, p. 265 f.—TRANSLATORS
‡ E. Bleuer, Dementia Praecox oder Gruppe der Schizophrenien (Leipzig, 1911); Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias (New York, 1950).—TRANSLATORS