We translate λέγειν with letting-lie-before-us, and νοεῖν with taking-to-heart. This translation is not only more appropriate but also clearer. We shall set the essentials down, and apart, in four points.

(1) The translation clarifies why and in what way λέγειν precedes νοεῖν and therefore is mentioned first. Letting things lie before us is necessary to supply us with what, lying thus before us, can be taken to heart. Λέγειν is prior to νοεῖν, and not only because it has to be accomplished first in order that νοεῖν may find something it can take to heart. Rather, λέγειν also surpasses νοεῖν, in that it once again gathers, and keeps and safeguards in the gathering, whatever νοεῖν takes to heart; for λέγειν, being a laying, is also legere, that is, reading. We normally understand by reading only this, that we grasp and follow a script and written matter. But that is done by gathering the letters. Without this gathering, without a gleaning in the sense in which wheat or grapes are gleaned, we should never be able to read a single word, however keenly we observe the written signs. (2) Thus λέγειν and νοεῖν are coordinated not only in series, first λέγειν then νοεῖν, but each enters into the other. Λέγειν, the letting-lie-before-us, unfolds of its own accord into the νοεῖν. we are talking about here is anything but leaving something where it lies while we pass