to what in the widest sense lies before us, and speaks without a sound: there is.
To lay and to tell relate in the same mode to the same, in the mode of a letting-appear. Telling turns out to be a laying, and is called λέγειν.
χρὴ τὸ λέγειν τε ... "Useful is the letting-lie-before-us also νοεῖν." This word νοεῖν does not originally "thinking" any more than does λέγειν. The two be come joined in closest kinship only by virtue of their original nature, and are later reduced to what logic as the essence of thinking. Νοεῖν implies a perceiving never was nor is a mere receiving of something. The perceives beforehand by taking to mind and heart. The heart is the wardship guarding what lies before us, though this wardship itself needs that guarding which is accomplished in the λέγειν as gathering. Νόος and νοῦς therefore, do not originally signify what later develops into reason; νόος? signifies the minding that has something in and takes it to heart. Thus νοεῖν also means what understand by scenting—though use the mostly of animals, in nature.
Man's scenting is divination. But since by now we understand all knowledge and all skill in terms of the thinking of logic, we measure "divination" by the same yardstick. But the word means more. Authentic divination is the mode in which essentials come to us and so come to mind, in order that we may keep them in mind. This kind of divination is not the outer court before the gates of knowledge. It is the great hall where everything that can be known is kept, concealed.
We translate νοεῖν with "take to heart."
"χρὴ τὸ λέγειν τε νοεῖν τε ..."
"Useful is the letting-lie-before-us also (the) taking-to-heart too ..."