ideas, of representation, with its constantly refined mechanism, dissimulates and blocks from view what really is. this dissimulation and "blocking is not just incidental, but is done on the principle of a way of forming ideas rule is all-pervading. This type of dissimulating ideas is always supported by sound sense. Johnny on the spot, in every area including the literature industry, is the famous "man in the street" always available in the required quantities. Faced with this dissimulating type of representational ideas, thinking finds itself in a contradictory position. This Nietzsche saw clearly. the one hand, the ideas and views must be shouted at they to set themselves up as the judges of thought, so that men will wake up. On the other hand, thinking can never tell its thoughts by shouting. Next to the words of Nietzsche quoted earlier, about ear-smashing and clatter, then set those others which run: "It is the stillest words that bring on the storm. Thoughts that come on doves' feet guide the world." (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Part II, "The stillest hour").

Indeed, Nietzsche never did publish what he really thought after Zarathustra—something tend to over look. All his writings after Zarathustra are polemics; they are outcries. What he really thought became known only through the largely inadequate posthumous publications.

From all that has here been suggested, it should be clear that one cannot read Nietzsche in a haphazard way; that each one of his writings has its own character and limits; and that the most important works and labors of his thought, which are contained in his posthumous writings, make demands to which we are not equal. It is advisable, therefore, that you postpone reading Nietzsche for the time being, and first study Aristotle for ten to fifteen years.

How does Nietzsche describe the man whom he who passes over overpasses? Zarathustra says in his prologue: "Behold! I show you the last man."

What Is Called Thinking? (GA 8) by Martin Heidegger