Who will liberate it? Not: who will quickly discover the cure through urgent trial and error in order to extol this power to just any arbitrary individuals; but only: who knows the law of the origin and | acquiesces to that law.
And thereby inserts himself into the dispensation of the soil of an inherited essence.
Only someone who is German can in an originarily new way poetize being and say being—he alone will conquer anew the essence of θεωρία [“theory,” “beholding”] and finally create logic.
In labor always a clear planning and taking hold, even a finishing off, and what is properly attained thereby, what happens, is still never to be seen all at a glance or even seen cursorily—indeed for the most part it is not to be seen at all; always to dig and break loose in the foreground— but without this the concealed never attains its appropriate (i.e., precisely mysterious) liberation.
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A great faith is passing through the young land. Cf. p. 41.
Being, “our” being, is to be poetized more originarily.
“Our being,” i.e., the being (happening through us and in us) of beings as a whole.
“More originarily”—to ask (indeed in advance and in an altogether more comprehending way) the unasked question.
In philosophizing, never to think about the “others” or about the “thou,” but just as little about the “I”—only about and for the origin of being. This holds equally of the matter at issue and the way.↑