historically carries the label of the common ground on it. All objectivity is furthermore embedded into the complex of nature. The objective is the effected, created. However, the objectivities nevertheless retain their effectiveness, even if they are exposited from life and therewith remain in life. We have in it a proper teleological complex (in their comprehension, positing of values, purpose -giving.) These complexes are not yet the most comprehensive forms. They are encompassed by the spiritual complex of a generation, an epoch or an age that determine the having-become whole of life. (Spengler's basic thought is already present here.) Dilthey calls this the effecive complex of an epoch etc. This is the fundamental concept of the human sciences: from here the historical and systematic human sciences subdivide. The human science has to determine and systematically extend what is norm giving. The whole of the world serves as a background for the concrete historical comprehension. In this way, there exists a constant correlativity between historical and systematic human sciences.

What is the core, the primal element of the effective complex? The actual primal cell is the individual, the unity of life, provided that it lives in its milieu. In this way, emerges the task of a general structural theory of the unity of life. These are regarded in view of the typical as detached from their facticity. Psychology investigates these structural complexes. They are not disclosed but are given in the unities of life themselves, they are lived in the pre-theoretical. In this respect, they can be accessed by description and immediate analysis. In this way, emerges the idea of a 'descriptive and analytic psychology' or a 'structural psychology'. Its tasks are: 1. to give cross-sections of mental life; 2. to present longitudinal sections: general biography; 3. determination and securing of what results from the context: the acquired complex of mental life. (One sees here a gradual growing of the Diltheyian concepts that are discovered from out of the concrete.) This is the status conscientiae, the immobilized state of consciousness, which is compared to another one. It is characterized through representations, processes of feeling and willing. However, in each of these moments the other one is also encountered. It is not about a quantitative predominance of one factor, but the inner relationship of the complexes of lived experience shows various kinds of structure that is unitarily pervaded by a specific sense. The whole of the complex of lived experience is a whole of processes. Everything psychical is a process. The only thing that is completely permanent in this process is the self in its correlative relationship to the milieu (which is reciprocal). (Here lie still


Martin Heidegger (GA 59) Phenomenology of Intuition and Expression