Correspondence here cannot signify a thing-like approximation between dissimilar kinds of things. The essence of the correspondence is determined rather by the kind of relation that obtains between the statement and the thing. As long as this "relation" remains undetermined and is not grounded in its essence, all dispute over the possibility and impossibility, over the nature and degree, of the correspondence loses its way in a void. But the statement regarding the coin relates "itself'' to this thing in that it presents [vor-stellt] it and says of what is presented how, {GA 9: 184} according to the particular perspective that guides it, it is disposed. What is stated by the presentative statement is said of the presented thing in just such a manner as that thing, as presented, is. The "such-as" has to do with the presenting and what it presents. Disregarding as "psychological" preconceptions as well as those of any "theory of consciousness," to present here means to let the thing stand opposed as object. As thus placed, what stands opposed must traverse and open field of opposedness [Entgegen]a and nevertheless must maintain its stand as a thing and show itself as something withstanding [ein Ständiges]. This appearing of the thing in traversing a field of opposedness takes place within an open region, the openness of which [80] is not first created by the presenting but rather is only entered into and taken over as a domain or relatedness. The relation of the presentative statement to the thing is the accomplishment of that bearing [Verhältnis] that originarily and always comes to prevail as a inclination [Verhalten].b But all inclination is distinguished by the fact that, standing in the open region, it in each case adheres to something opened up as such.7 What is thus opened up, solely in this strict sense, was experienced early in Western thinking as "What is present" and for a long time has been named "being."
Comportment stands openc to beings. Every open relatedness is an inclination. Man's open stance varies depending on the kind of beings and by way of inclination. All working and achieving, all action and calculation, keep within an open region within which beings, with regard to what they are and how they are, can properly take their standd and become capable of being said. This can occur only if beings present themselves along with the presentative statement so that the latter subordinates itself to the directive that it speaks of beings such-as they are. In following such a directive the statement conforms to beings. Speech that directs
a Third edition, 1954: The openness of a field of opposedness.
b Third edition, 1954: Comportment: abiding [sich aufhalten] in the clearing (standing in
[inständig in] the clearing) of the presence of that which is present.
c Third edition, 1954: As standing in the openness.
d Third edition, 1954: Show, come into place, come to the fore, presence.