In spite of all superficial moral impressions and considering the exclusive question of Sein und Zeit, that is, the question concerning the truth of being, ownedness [Eigentlichkeit] is to be grasped exclusively and always beforehand in relation to this truth as a "manner" [Weise] to be "the t/here" wherein the en-ownment of man unto the belongingness to being and to its clearing ("time") enowns itself.
"Ownedness" is a determination that overcomes metaphysics as such. Correspondingly un-ownedness, [Un-eigentlichkeit] which, thought "existentially" unto and out of the question of being, means lostness to beings, that is, means the predominance of beings themselves and their overshadowing of being to such an extent that the distress of the question concerning the truth of being has to stay away.
Any approach to this determination that comes from anywhere and serves arbitrary purposes (comes from some anthropology and "philosophy of Existenz") is at the mercy of any whim - only that such an approach never thinks-along with, which is always a thinking ahead into, that which is to be solely [G146] enquired into. In the best case of a scholarly pursuit of calculation, such an approach corroborates historicism as an occupation.
Extrinsically approached, the beginning made with Sein und Zeit can be taken as an interpretation of man as Da-sein. However, this interpretation already reverberates only in projecting-opening man as Da-sein.
Da-sein unfolds fundamentally in "understanding of being", that is, again as projecting-open being unto its truth ("time") whereby this truth as such need not come to a halt in the knowing-awareness.
As always in Sein und Zeit, it is from out of the truth of being and only thus that man is inquired into. This inquiry belongs entirely to the enquestioning of what is most question-worthy. But how is this most question-worthy, be-ing?
Transformed fundamentally into "What" and "How", the grounding-experience is this: being is not the leftover of the emptiest universal that fills itself up with categories; being is not an "addendum" that is then as "idea" admitted on command; but rather, being is the ab-ground as en-owning.