of the possibility of propositions and of synthesis in terms of their ur-temporality. We led synthesis back to the as-structure, and that means we now have to explain the ur-temporality of the as-structure. We have characterized this as-structure as a basic hermeneutical structure of existence. We likewise showed how the “as” of this basic hermeneutical structure gets leveled down to the “as” which is used to determine things that are merely there. So, the foundational analysis of statements in the ensemble will have to show the ur-temporal character of this process of leveling down, that is, the specific ur-temporality of the process in which the means-whereby of involvement gets modified into the mere subject matter of apophantically determinative statements—in short: the ur-temporality of thematizing as such.
These analyses will allow us to clarify the phenomenon of now-presence and thus its connection with presence. All of this will make possible a relative understanding of the extent to which being equals presence and truth equals now-presence. Only in this way will we acquire the correct means for giving a definitive, philosophical interpretation of Metaphysics IX 10. And then we will also see the limits, imperfections, and ambiguities of the Greek inquiry into the problematic of that treatise, as well as the reasons for the obscurity of it. Only then will we finally be able to answer the questions we formulated in connection with that treatise (cf. §13-b, above): Why did the Greeks and all ages thereafter understand that truth meant intuition-truth? Why must we first and foremost understand intuition-truth as the basic form of truth? And why does traditional logic, as a consequence, operate within the specific problematic of this form of truth? [208]
§16. The conditions of the possibility of falsehood within the horizon of the analysis of existence
Let us briefly recall the three conditions:
1. The tendency to uncover, that is, the prior already-having of something;
2. The determination via “as” (the delotic6 synthesis); and
3. The togetherness of beings (the ontic synthesis).
In our earlier investigation, our aim was set on the interconnection and unifying root of these conditions. According to what we finally said, the unity of the conditions is grounded in ur-temporality.
We establish the interconnection between the conditions not by syllogistic
6. [See page 157, note 47, regarding “delotic.”]