himself, the founder of such logic, but one freed of the incrustations and rigidifications of a bad tradition.
That should give us a preparatory basis for working out, in part II of the course, the question that radicalizes everything: “What is truth?”
Parts I and II are preceded by a prolegomenon in which we focus on the formulation of the questions that Husserl’s Logical Investigations and phenomenology have introduced into contemporary logic. After that, we will steer the question back into the decisive beginnings. [26]
§5. Outline of the course.19 Bibliography
What we said above indicates the basic plan of the course:
Prolegomenon. The current situation of philosophical logic. (Psychologism and the question of truth.)
Part I. The problem of truth in the decisive origin of philosophical logic, and the seedbed of traditional logic (focused on Aristotle).
1. The theory of statement, proposition, judgment. (This in connection with Aristotle’s treatise—which is more like a sketch of this problem—περὶ ἑρμηνείας, De interpretatione, On Interpretation, the second in the collection of Aristotle’s so-called “logical writings.” Later I’ll say something about how we will carry this out.)
a. The basic structure of λόγος and the phenomenon of meaning and sense: what do they both mean?
b. The structure and the meaning of the “copula.” (In the statement “This board is black,” the “is” is designated as the copula. This particular “is” will concern us in great detail.)
c. Negating, negation, the “not” and its origin.
d. The so-called principles of identity and of contradiction.
2. The doctrines of
a. the definition or ὁρισμός, which is a specific kind of λόγος.
b. essence, in Greek, the τί, “whatness”: how and why we ask about the “what,” whatness—thatness. (Our treatment will follow another Aristotelian text, ἀναλυτικὰ ὕστερα β (Poste-rior Analytics II).
c. “proof” (the “why”)—being—“the a priori”—the problem of “presupposition.”
19.[Editor’s note: The plan of the lectures was changed as the course unfolded.] [Translator’s note: Nevertheless, in the present edition the table of contents and text follow Heidegger’s outline of the course as it is presented here, on the conviction that its part-headings adequately represent the trajectory of his exposition.]