With such academic questions, one has no recourse to an index, but to the Encyclopedia. There the speculative is a determination of the logical. How many determinations are there and what are the remaining ones?

PARTICIPANT: In all there are three dimensions of the logical, which correspond to the three determinations already named, immediacy, mediation, and unity.

HEIDEGGER: Are the three determinations of the logical three things side-by-side? Evidently not. The first moment, which corresponds to immediacy, is the abstract. What does abstract mean with Hegel?

PARTICIPANT: What is separated and isolated.

HEIDEGGER: Better: the thinking of one-sidedness, which only thinks one side. It is peculiar that the immediate should be the abstract, while for us the immediate is rather the concrete. But Hegel calls the immediate abstract in so far as one looks at the side of givenness and not at the side of the I. The second moment of the logical is the dialectical, the third is the speculative. The Hegelian determination of the speculative will be significant for us, when we will be concerned at an important part of the seminar with the apparent opposition of beginning with κεραυνός or with τὸ μὴ δῦνόν ποτε πῶς ἄν τις λάθοι.

Now I still have a question for you, Mr. Fink, which concerns Fr. 30. Do I understand you correctly when you comprehend κόσμος as identical with τὰ πάντα in your interpretation?

FINK: κόσμος and τὰ πάντα are not identical, but κόσμος does indeed mean the jointed whole of τὰ πάντα, the whole stamping, which is not fixed but moved. Heraclitus speaks of manifold ways of movement, as in strife or war.

HEIDEGGER: Does κόσμος then belong in the sequence of lightning, sun, and fire?

FINK: Not without further consideration. That could only be said if κόσμος were thought not as the order brought forth by fire, but as the ordering fire. If κόσμος had the function of διακόσμησις, then it would also belong in the sequence of basic words.

HEIDEGGER: In Fr. 30, κόσμον τόνδε is mentioned. If we hold that together with κατὰ τὸν λόγον τόνδε, then couldn't κόσμον τόνδε, corresponding with λόγον τόνδε, mean the same as this κόσμος, which is still to he treated, which is still to be thematized?

FINK: Above all, the demonstrative τόνδε does not mean an individual this, not this κόσμος, which is now as opposed to other κόσμοι. When it is said that the κόσμος is brought forth as the jointed order, a κόσμος in the singular, which belongs to a plurality of κόσμοι, is not meant thereby. Of this κόσμος it is said: τὸν αὐτὸν ἁπάντων [the same for all beings]. Whether this is Heraclitus' phrase, we leave aside now. Diets translates ἁπάντων as "all living beings." I reject this translation. I

Martin Heidegger (GA 15) Heraclitus Seminars