To what extent are fragments 50 and 45 in harmony with one another such that, in a certain sense, they complement each other? This question may be answered by way of a brief, prescient observation.
Fragment 50 is about λόγος in the sense of being itself, but at the same time it is also about ὁμολογεῖν. Through ὁμολογεῖν, the λέγειν that is essentially proper to the human, and thereby also the λόγος that the human ‘has,’ are determined. This harvesting and gathering should be a hearkening one, and thereby a compliant self-gathering that joins itself to the originary for-gathering, a for-gathering by way of which ‘the Λόγος’ holds the essence of the human gathered toward itself, preserving within itself as the Λόγος the hearkening belongingness of the human to being, [296] a preserving that simultaneously gives and withholds according to measure. Said simply: fragment 50 is about the homological relation of the human λόγος to the Λόγος. In this saying, the relation of being itself to the essence of the human is thought, and in such a way that the essence of the human is not only one reference ‘point’ while ‘the Λόγος’ is the other, but rather in such a way that the essence of the human exists and is grounded precisely in the relation of being to the human. The human, as the one who gathers in a hearkening way, is ‘gathered toward’ being: