§ 2. Logic, ἐπιστήμη, τέχνη. The related meanings of ἐπιστήμη and τέχνη. An analysis regarding the questionable relationship between thinking and logic

a) τέχνη, φύσις, and ἐπιστήμη. τέχνη (to bring forth, to place-forth) and φύσις (to emerge from out of itself) in their relation to unconcealment. [201] A rejection of the interpretation of τέχνη and ἐπιστήμη in terms of the differentiation between theory and practice


What does τέχνη, which we say has the most intimate relation to ἐπιστήμη, mean? τέχνη is related to the root word τέκω/τίκτω, commonly translated as “to create.” What is created is τὸ τέκνον, the child; τίκτω means to create—indeed, it means to beget as well as to bear, but for the most part it means the latter. In our mother tongue, this bearing-creating is expressed by the beautiful and not yet fully comprehended turn of phrase ‘to bring into the world.’ The proper and most concealed Greek meaning of τέκω is not ‘making’ or ‘manufacturing,’ but is rather the bringing-forth of something into the unconcealed by the human so that it may presence there in the unconcealed as something that has been thus