Translator's Introductionxix
Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus, vv. 73–74.
xxiiiThis “presentation” does not describe and report
xxiiiThe destiny of beyng devolves upon the thinkers
xxivThe dispensation of beyng in the event toward the beginning
xxivNot only throughout all the world
xxivIn regard to Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event)
1. The first beginning
42. Ἀλήθεια—ἰδέα
53. Errancy
54. Ἀλήθεια (Plato)
65. ἕν out of οὐσία
66. Truth and being for the Greeks (Said and unsaid)
67. ἀ-λήθεια
78. Ἀλήθεια and “space and time”
79. Ἀλήθεια and the first beginning (φύσις)
810. ἀ-λήθεια
811. In the first beginning
912. Truth and the true
913. Unconcealedness
1014. φύσις—ἀλήθεια—beyng
1015. Ἀ-λήθεια and the open
1116. Truth and beyng
1218. “Truth” and beyng
1219. On the question of truth
1320. The moment of consolidation
1321. ἀλήθεια—ἰδέα
1322. Truth and being
1323. ἀγαθόν
1424. How ἀλήθεια
1425. To say simply
1426. How ἀλήθεια
1527. ταὐτόν
1528. ταὐτόν
1629. How νοῦς—λόγος—ψυχή
1630. How to come to steadfastness now for the first time
1731. One cannot
1732. The ground of the transformation of the essence of truth
1733. φύσις—ἀλήθεια
1834. φύσις—the emergence that goes back into itself
1835. Ἀλήθεια → ὁμοίωσις
1936. Beyng and the human being
1937. The beyngs of beyng
2038. The first beginning
2039. The experience of the disentanglement in the first beginning
2140. τὸ ἕν—τὸ ταὐτόν—ἀλήθεια
2141. The experience of the first beginning
2242. The first beginning
2343. For the interpretation
2344. Beyng is
45. From ἀλήθεια—φύσις to the ἰδέα over δόξα
2446. τὰ δοκοῦντα
2448. The provenance of δόξα
2449. ἀλήθεια—δόξα
2550. Parmenides
2651. δόξα
2652. δόξα and τὰ δοκοῦντα
2753. γίνεσθαι—ὄλλυσθαι
54. If the ἄπειρον of Anaximander were ἀλήθεια?
2855. The transition
2956. τὸ πέρας—τὸ ἄπειρον
2957. ἀδικία
3058. In the dictum of Anaximander
3059. The utterance of being
60. Thoughtful thinking and the “concept”
3461. Why nothing “comes forth” in “thinking” (as “philosophy”)
3462. The beginning of Western thinking
3563. To think about thinking
3664. The beginning of thinking
3665. Philosophy—thinking—being
3766. Tradition out of the essence of historiality
3767. History and historiology
68. Key words with respect to being
3869. To arrive at the domain of the disposition . . .
3970. The transition
4071. The collapse of Ἀλήθεια out of the global mountain range; the beginning of the destiny of being.
72. The time is coming
4373. Truth and cognition
4474. On the presentation of the first beginning
4575. The essence of being in the first beginning
4676. Recollection into the first beginning
4677. φύσις and the first beginning
4678. What does not yet begin in the first beginning
4779. The first beginning and its inceptuality
4880. The first beginning as Ἀλήθεια
4981. In the first beginning
4982. The thinkers of the first beginning
4983. The first beginning
5084. The interpretation of the first beginning
5185. In regard to the interpretation of the first beginning
5186. The interpretative recollection
5287. Procedure
5288. The obvious objection
5389. Anaximander and Heraclitus
5390. Anaximander and Parmenides
5491. Heraclitus and Parmenides
92. The first beginning. ἀλήθεια
5593. To show the first (beginning)
5594. The concealed ineffability of the first beginning
5695. The first beginning
5696. The first beginning
5697. Not all thinkers at the start
5698. The first beginning
5799. The first beginning
100. Ἀλήθεια → ὀρθότης
58101. The advancement out of the first beginning
58102. Presence, constancy, rigidity
58103. φύσις—ἰδέα
104. The resonating
63105. The resonating
64106. The resonating
64107. The history of beyng
65108. The resonating
65109. The first resonating is that of the passing by
66110. The resonating
111. Signs of being in the age of the consummation of metaphysics
69112. The errancy of the errant star as the in-between of the passing by
69113. The essence of truth in the passing by
69114. The unavoidable
70115. The demise of metaphysics; the transition
71116. The passing by
71117. The passing by
72118. The passing by
72119. The passing by
72120. The resonating
73121. The overcoming of metaphysics
122. The demise of metaphysics; the transition to the first beginning
74123. God-lessness experienced in terms of the history of beyng
75124. The consummation of modernity
77125. The passing by
77126. The time of the thinking of the history of beyng
78127. The will to willing
78128. The errancy of machination
79129. The essence of “modernity”
79130. Modernity and the West
80131. “The West” and “Europe”
80132. The West and Europe
81133. Abandonment by being; the West
82134. “The West”
82135. The West
83136. World-history and the West
85137. Certainty, security, establishment, calculation, and order
85138. Devastation
86139. The inceptuality of the beginning; beyng
140. Metaphysics
87141. "Metaphysics"
88142. Beginning and advancement
88143. Metaphysics and beyng
88144. How and in what sense
89145. Metaphysics
89146. The demise of metaphysics in the will to willing
90147. “Essence” and “being”
90148. The end of metaphysics; “world-picture”
91149. The consummation of metaphysics
91150. Steadfastness within the beginning
92151. “Being”
92152. “Order” and the forgottenness of being
93153. The end of metaphysics; reflection
93154. The last remnants of the demise of “philosophy” in the age of the consummation of metaphysics
94155. Forgottenness of being
94156. Being as machination
95157. Being as the non-sensory
95158. Metaphysics: Kant and Schelling—Hegel
96159. Truth as certainty
96160. Biological “life” (Nietzsche)
97161. Metaphysics
97162. The demise of metaphysics
97163. The saying
164. “Being” in metaphysics
99165. The will to willing
99166. The will to willing
167. Beyng
103168. Introduction
104169. The difference (Outline)
106170. The difference and nothingness
106171. The difference and the event
106172. The difference
107173. The difference
108174. The difference and the “understanding of being”
109175. The differentiation
110176. The differentiation and the difference
113177. Negativity and no-saying
113178. Nothingness
179. Outline
117180. The history of beyng
118181. The history of beyng
122182. The conjuncture of beyng
122183. The conjuncture of beyng
The vocabulary of its essence
184. The event. The vocabulary of its essence
145185. The treasure of the word
186. The event. Outline
153187. The appropriating event
154188. Event and compassion
154189. Beginning and the appropriating event
155190. Event and domain of what is proper
155191. Event and fate
155192. The appropriating event is incursion
156193. Event—experience
156194.To show—to eventuate
195. The event and the human being
162196. The event—The human being
162197. The event
163198. The event; the human being as understood with respect to the history of beyng, i.e., with respect to historiality
163199. The event and the human being
164200. The event and the human being
164201. The event and the human being
165202. Being and death
166203. What cannot be experienced of the beginning
167204. The beginning and the human being
168205. Beyng and the human being
169206. The beginning and the human being
170207. The human being and being
170208. Being and the human being
171209. Beyng and the human being
171210. Beyng and the human being—The simple experience
171211. Being and the human being
212. Da-sein. Outline
175213. Da-seyn
176214. Da-sein
176215. Da-sein
177216. Da-sein
177217. All beyng is Da-seyn
178218. “Dasein” (history of the word)
178219. Da and Da-sein
178220. The clearing and its semblant emptiness
178221. The simple and the desolate
179222. In Da-sein
179223. Da-sein
179224. Beyng—as Da-seyn
180225. The temporal domain of godlessness with respect to the history of beyng (experienced godlessness)
180226. Da-sein illuminates
180227. Da-sein and “openness”
228. Steadfastness
182229. The nobility of indigence
182230. Steadfastness
182231. Steadfastness in Da-sein
182232. Knowledge
183233. The event and historial humanity
183234. The nobility of humans and their indigence in the history of beyng
183235. The event and the human being
184236. The open realm of concealment
184237. Steadfastness and the clearing of the “there”
185238. The incomparable
239. “Reflexion”
186240. Da-sein—“space”
241. Disposition
187242. “Disposition”
189243. The disposition of thinking is the voice of beyng
190244. Downgoing and its disposition
190245. Da-sein and thanking
191246. The basic dispositions of the history of beyng
191247. The basic dispositions of the history of beyng
192248. Predisposition
192249. Voice, disposition, “feelings”
250. In what does the essential unity of event and beginning dwell?
195251. The counter-turn in the event and the beginning
195252. The beginning
196253. The beginning
197254. The last god
255. Pain—experience—knowledge
201256. Experience
202257. The pain of the enduring
203258. Enduring as thanking
204259. The enduring of the difference
206260. Inceptual thinking is abyssal thinking
207261. Beyng is experienced
207262. The question: In what way?
208263. The thinking of the history of beyng says beyng
208264. Enduring and questioning The question-worthiness of beyng
209265. The essence of experience The question-worthiness of beyng
210266. Founding and enduring
267. The thinking of the history of beyng
213268. The thinking of the history of beyng
213269. The thinking of the history of beyng in the transition
214270. The thinking of the history of beyng
214271. The thinking of the history of beyng. The thoughtful word
217272. The thinking of the history of beyng
217273. The event
217274. Thinking
218275. The discrepancy in the priority of presentation
218276. The beginning—inexperience
219277. The inconsolable departure
219278. The thinking of the history of beyng; the concept
220279. Inceptual thinking
220280. The enduring of the difference
221281. Thinking as enduring
221282. The enduring
222283. The gainsaying in the saying of the event
222284. The timber trail
223285. Beginning and immediacy
224286. Inceptual thinking in its origination out of metaphysics
225287. If being bends toward itself the track of mankind
226288. The thinking of beyng
226289. Thinking and words
227290. Beyng—thinking
291. Beyng and essence
292. Terminology
229293. History is historiality
230294. The essence of historiality
231295. History
231296. History
232297. Overcoming, transition, beginning
233298. The history of being
234299. Space and time
234300. History and historiology
234301. Going under
302. Guiding notions
239303. The thinking of the history of beyng is the inceptual experience of the twisting free of beyng
240304. The first step of inceptual thinking
240305. The knowledge of thinking
241306. How the thoughtful thinking of beyng is a thanking
242307. The thinking of the history of beyng is the non-transitory departure of beyng
243308. The thinking of beyng
243309. The all-arousing, constant experience of the thinking of the history of beyng
244310. Thoughtful grounding as exposition of the ground. Grounding and experience. To remain in the most proper law of thinking
244311. The thoughtful assertion
244312. The thinking of the history of beyng with regard to the beginning
245313. Thoughtful saying and its claim
246314. The word
247315. The leap
248316. The clarification of what is to be done
249317. “Critique”
318. The experience of the beginning
250319. Experience
250320. Markings and heedfulness
251321. On heedfulness
251322. On heedfulness
251323. Heedfulness
252324. Heedfulness
252325. Forgottenness of being
252326. The forgottenness of being
253327. The forgottenness of being; heedfulness
254328. Being and beings
254329. Beginning and being
254330. The decision
331. The word, metaphysics, and the beginning
255332. The word of inceptual thinking
256333. The thinking of the history of beyng and the demand for univocity, non-contradiction, non-circularity, and comprehensibility
257334. Within the first attempt at the thinking of the history of beyng
257335. The saying of the beginning
258336. The saying of the beginning
260337. The saying of the beginning
261338. The inceptual claim of the beginning
261339. Inceptual thinking
262340. Beginning as ἀρχή; inceptual thinking
262341. Beginning and recollection
262342. The saying of the beginning
343. Poetizing—Thinking
266344. To be greeted; Da-sein
266345. The transition
267346. Poetizing and thinking
267347. Thinking and poetizing
268348. Silence and saying
268349. Thanking
268350. Essential thinking
269351. Essential thinking
270352. Thinking and poetizing
270353. Admission and steadfastness
270354. Admission and detachment
271355. The shyness in the beginning
271356. “Thinking”
272357. Thanking and silence
272358. Thinking and thanking
272359. Thanking and beyng
273360. Appropriating event and thanking
273361. Thinking
274362. Thinking and cognition
275363. Thinking
364. Poetizing and thinking
278365. Thinking and poetizing
366. Poetizing and thinking
281367. The truth of Hölderlin’s poetry
282368. The first and most extreme separation of thinking and poetizing
282369. Thinking and poetizing
282370. Poetizing and thinking
283371. Poetizing and thinking
284372. The thanking of the renunciation is thoughtful thanking
285373. With respect to the history of beyng, the future essence of the poet and the thinker
289374. Poetizing and thinking in their relation to the word
289375. One thinker and another
376. Hölderlin
290377. The interpretation of Hölderlin
290378. “Interpretations” of “Hölderlin”
291379. Thinking about Hölderlin
292380. The interpretation of Hölderlin within the other thinking
381. “Commentary”
293382. Commentary and interpretation
294384. The comments
296386. The interpretation
Editor's Afterword
German-English Glossary
307English-German Glossary