XI. The thinking of the history of beyng [283–284]

do not experience the difference as such and in its essence, mankind must therefore remain prepared for the fact that the legitimacy of beings and the claim of being open up their strife and that this strife and its law become essential for the history of humanity. Consequently, it is never a matter of indifference to history whether the claim of thinking is heard or ignored.

Whoever ignores this claim, or is closed off to it, then of course continually misunderstands every word said by beyng. But it pertains to the necessary thoughtlessness of the inability to hear that it nevertheless attempts to attack thinking and to refute it: a “comical” procedure.



314. The word

(the saying)—disposing

The word is the origin of language.
Language is the faculty of “vocables” (saying out).
What is the word? The soundless voice of beyng.
What is called voice [Stimme] here? Not “sound” but, instead, disposing [Stimmen], i.e., to let experience. How so?
Disposing toward the experience of the beginning (the beginning itself cannot be experienced).
Disposing through determining [Be-stimmen].
Determining through thinking of the voice of the word of the beginning.
Thinking—through the imageless saying of the beginning.
Saying through the experience of the (event).

The word claims the essence of the human being in such a way that it requires this being for Da-sein. But what of the thoughtful claim (claiming the human being for the essence)? Through inventive thinking of the experience of beyng → (event). Claim—truth.

Martin Heidegger (GA 71) The Event