Appropriateness. |
This word says that beings have been admitted
into their inceptually fitting being, fitting as measured
against the measure of inceptuality. “Appropriate”
does not here mean “opportune”; instead,
it signifies entrance into the eventuation which
assigns all beings to the inceptuality of the beginning,
such that they essentially occur no longer in
their “examination” for the human being but,
rather, out of their “absence” (i.e., here, departure)
toward the event. This change of beingness (beingness
itself traverses its history as οὐσία, visibility,
presence, actuality, objectivity, will to willing)
into appropriateness does not require a restless ordering
and reordering. The change eventuates in
the transition into the other beginning, which is
the overcoming of metaphysics. Metaphysics, as
the history of the beingness of beings in the sense
of visibility and objectivity, is nevertheless determined
by the event. The essence of the event
grounds the fact that every being as a being is admitted
into a uniqueness and is more proper the
more essentially it is at any time the individual of
a singling out as unique. Individuality in this
sense is essentially distinct from the particularization
and instantiation of the individual “cases”
which are set off against the “universal.” It is in
this way that metaphysics grasps individuation as
particularization. Its principium individuationis
reads correspondingly. Metaphysics ends in the
supremacy of the undifferentiatedness of beings,
because beings are given up to the abandonment
by being and because being is relinquished through
the forgottenness of being.