But with the end of philosophy, thinking is not also at its end, but in transition to another beginning.
In the notes to the fourth part of Thus spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche writes (1886): "We are attempting a venture with truth! Perhaps humanity will perish by it! So be it!" (WW XII, p. 307.)
An entry written at the time of The Dawn of Day (1880/81) reads: "What is new about our present position with regard to philosophy is the conviction which no age has ever yet had: that we do not have the truth. All men of earlier times "had the truth"-even the skeptics." (WW XI, p. 268.)
What does Nietzsche mean when he speaks now and then of "the truth"? Does he mean "what is true," and does he think this as what truly is, or as what is valid in all judgments, behavior, and life?
What does this mean: to attempt a venture with the truth? Does it mean: to bring the will to power into relation with the eternal recurrence of the same as what truly is?
Does this thinking ever get to the question as to wherein the essential being of truth consists and whence the truth of this essential being occurs?
How does objectivity come to have the character of constituting the essential being of beings as such?
One thinks "Being" as objectivity, and then tries to get to "what is in itself." But one only forgets to ask and to say what one means here by "what is" and by "in itself."
What "is" Being? May we inquire into "Being" as to what it is? Being remains unquestioned and a matter of course, and thus unthought.