Scientist: What are we still to think about, in order to pass over to and into the nature of thinking which we have not yet come to know?
Teacher: Why, about that from whence alone such a transition can happen.
Scholar: That means that you would not discard the traditional view of the nature of thinking?
Teacher: Have you forgotten what I said in our earlier conversation about what is revolutionary?
Scientist: Forgetfulness does seem to be an especial danger in such conversations.
Scholar: So now, if I understand correctly, we are to view what we call releasement in connection with the nature of thinking as talked about, even though we hardly know it and above all are unable to place it properly.
Teacher: I mean exactly that.
Scientist: Previously, we had come to see thinking in the form of transcendental-horizonal re-presenting.
Scholar: This re-presenting, for instance, places before us what is typical of a tree, of a pitcher, of a bowl, of a stone, of plants, and of animals as that view into which we look when one thing confronts us in the appearance of a tree, another thing in the appearance of a pitcher, this in the appearance of a bowl, various things in the appearance of stones, many in the appearance of plants, and many in the appearance of animals.
Scientist: You describe, once again, the horizon which encircles the view of a thing—the field of vision.
Teacher: It goes beyond the appearance of the objects.
Scholar: Just as transcendence-passes beyond the perception of objects.