understood, to have his "speech act" work, to create conditions for that, in order that he may be "happy" ("felicitous"—which means, in this code, efficacious, productive, efficient, generative of the expected event, but sometimes anything but "happy") and the trick is played, a first trick will have, at any rate, been played.
Liberation, emancipation, and revolution will necessarily be the second trick. It will provide freedom from the first while confirming a heritage by internalizing it, by reappropriating it—but only up to a certain point, for, as my hypothesis shows, there is never any such thing as absolute appropriation or reappropriation. Because there is no natural property of language, language gives rise only to appropriative madness, to jealousy without appropriation. Language speaks this jealousy; it is nothing but jealousy unleashed. It takes its revenge at the heart of the law. The law that, moreover, language itself is, apart from also being mad. Mad about itself. Raving mad.
(As this goes without saying and does not deserve any overly long development here, let us recall briefly, in passing, that this discourse on the ex-appropriation of language, more precisely, of the "mark," opens out onto a politics, a right, and an ethics: let us even go so far as to say that it is the only one with the power to do it, whatever the risks are, precisely because the undecidable ambiguity runs those risks and therefore appeals to the decision where it conditions, prior to any program and even any axiomatics, the right and the limits of a right to property, a right to hospitality, a right to ipseity in general, to the "power" of the hospes himself, the master and possessor, particularly of himself—ipse, compos, ipsissimus, despotes, potior, possidere, to cite in no particular order a chain reconstructed by Benveniste of which we were speaking earlier.)
So much so that "colonialism" and "colonization" are only high points [reliefs], one traumatism over another, an increasing buildup of violence, the jealous rage of an essential coloniality and culture, as shown by the two names. A coloniality of culture,