and lets itself be fascinated, magnetized, and controlled by this excluded term, its transcendental's transcendental.
This excluded term could, for example, be madness; this would be the other side of Foucault's work, and one can say that the mad project of exceeding the totality so as to think it is what Derrida attempts to sign with the word déjà. One might be tempted to think that what is driving our own work here is the still madder project of exceeding this déjà itself.
The reading work carried out by Derrida consists in the location of these excluded terms or these remains that command the excluding discourse: the supplement (masturbation or writing) in Rousseau (OG, 203-34); the index in Husserl (SP, 27ff.) ; the parergon or vomit in Kant (EC, 21-5; TP, 44-94),' etc. ·
This situation has given rise to two types of more or less inevitable misunderstandings that explain in part
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the other, inueni haec ibi et non manducaui. placuit enim tibi, domine, au ferre opprobrium diminutionis ab Iacob; ut maior seruiret minori, et uocasti gentes in hereditatem tuam,* it remains to be understood of time, and of the time of writing, i.e. the inheritance of the last will of which nothing has yet been said, I'm sure of that, that touches the nerve of that for which one writes when one does not believe in one's own survival nor in the survival of anything at all, when one writes for the present but a present that is made, you hear, in the sense in which SA wants to make truth, only out of the return upon itself of that refused, denied, survival, refusals and denials attested by the writing itself, the last will of the word of each word, where my writing enjoys this