they are the occurrence of the powerlessness to endure and know the domain of what is proper, i.e., they are the occurrence of the abandonment by being.
Being a self—by that we always mean immediately: doing, omitting, and disposing on one's own initiative. But the "on one's own initiative" is superficial and illusory. It can amount to sheer "self-will," from which is missing all assignment and consignment out of the event.
The amplitude of the oscillation of the self takes direction from the originality of the domain of what is proper and thus from the truth of beyng.
Expelled from this truth and floundering in the abandonment by being, we know little enough of either the essence of the self or the ways to genuine knowledge. For, all too tenacious is the priority of "I"-consciousness, especially since this consciousness can be concealed in diverse forms. The most dangerous forms are those whereby a world-less "I" apparently gives itself up and submits to an other which is "greater" than itself and to which it is assigned piecemeal or in stages. The dissolution of the "I" into "life" as a people: here the path to an overcoming of the "I" is paved by foregoing the very first condition of such an overcoming, namely, meditation on being a self and on its essence, an essence determined by assignment and consignment.
Selfhood is the trembling of the countering of the strife in the fissuring, and this trembling is seized from out of the appropriation and withstands the appropriation.
198. The grounding of Da-sein as a creative grounding12
Da-sein can never be exhibited and described like something objectively present. Only to be grasped hermeneutically, i.e., according to Being and Time, in the thrown projection. Therefore not arbitrarily. Da-sein is something completely un-usual and is sent on far ahead of all knowledge regarding the human being.
The "there": the open, clearing-concealing "between" in relation to earth and world, the center of their strife and thereby the site of the most intimate belonging-to, and so the ground of the to-itself, of the self and of selfhood. The self is never the "I." The with-itself of the self essentially occurs as steadfast ac-ceptance [Über-nahme] of the ap-propriation. Selfhood is belongingness in the intimacy of the strife as the conflict over appropriation.
12. Letting the ground occur essentially; the event the ground.