a) Da-sein and the projection of being
168. Da-sein and beyng2
Da-sein means appropriation in the event, the latter taken as the essence of beyng. Only on the ground of Da-sein, however, does beyng enter into truth.
Where plant, animal, stone, sea, and sky come to be, without descending into objectivity, there the withdrawal (refusal) of beyng is reigning, i.e., beyng is reigning as withdrawal. But the withdrawal is of Da-sein.
The abandonment by being is the first dawn of beyng as self-concealing out of the night of metaphysics, through which beings pressed forward into appearance and pressed forward objectivity, while beyng became an addendum in the form of the apriori.
Yet how abyssally cleared must the clearing for self-concealing be, such that the withdrawal might not appear superficially as mere nullity but might reign as bestowal.
169. Da-sein3
The unrelenting strictness of the inner oscillation of Da-sein entails that Da-sein does not count the gods, does not count on them, and certainly does not reckon with an individual god
This abstention from counting the gods pertains to each god, is attuned to the unexpected ones, and remains far from the arbitrariness of letting everything be deemed valid. For this abstention from counting is
2. Cf. Besinnung, p. 448ff
3. Cf. The leap, 121. Beyng and beings.