35. The event
Meditation on the path
1. What inceptual thinking is.
2. How the other beginning is carried out as bearing silence.
"The event" would be the right title for the "work" which can only be prepared here; for this reason, the title must instead be Contributions to Philosophy.
The "work": the self-developing edifice stemming from a turning back to the protruding ground.
36. Language and the inventive thinking of beyng
In ordinary language, which is ever more comprehensively used up today and degraded through idle chatter, the truth of beyng cannot be said. Can this truth be said immediately in the least, if all language is indeed the language of beings? Or can a new language be devised for beyng? No. Even if it could, and perhaps without artificially formed words, such language would not be one that speaks. All saying must allow the co-emergence of a capacity to hear it. Both saying and hearing must be of the same origin. Thus all that matters is this one thing: to say the most nobly emerged language in its simplicity and essential force, to say the language of beings as the language of beyng. This transformation of language presses into realms which are still closed to us because we do not know the truth of beyng. Therefore something is said of the "renunciation of pursuance," of the "clearing of concealment," of the "appropriating event," of "Da-sein"; and this is not a mere plucking of truths out of words but is the opening of the truth of beyng in this sort of transformed saying (cf. Prospect, 38. Bearing silence).
37. Beyng and its bearing silence16
The basic question: how does beyng essentially occur?
16. Cf. conclusion and everything on language in the lecture course, Nietzsches metaphysische Grundstellung im abendlandischen Denken: Die ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen, summer semester 1937 (GA 44).