going under and getting lost in this. We are still too inexperienced and rash to think the essence of the destinal in terms of dispensation, sending, and compliance. We are still too easily inclined, because accustomed, to conceive the dispensational [das Geschickliche] in terms of what happens [dem Geschehen] and to represent this as a course of historiologically determinable incidents. We place history in the realm of what occurs, instead of thinking history in accordance with its essential provenance in terms of destiny. Destiny, however, is essentially the dispensation of being, so much so that being itself sends itself and each time essences as a dispensation and destinally transforms itself in accordance with this. When a change in being takes place, i.e., as it does now in the essence of positionality, then this by no means says that technology, whose essence rests in positionality, would be abolished. It is neither struck down nor smashed apart.
If the essence of technology, positionality as the danger in beyng, is beyng itself, then technology can never be mastered by a mere human action alone, whether positive or negative. Technology, whose essence is being itself, can never be overcome by the human. That would indeed mean that the human would be the master of being.
Yet since beyng has sent itself as the essence of technology in positionality, and since the human essence belongs to the essence of beyng insofar as the essence of beyng needs the human essence, in accordance with its own essence, in order to remain guarded in the midst of beings as being, and thus needs it in order to essence as beyng, then for this reason the essence of technology cannot be led to a transformation of its destiny without the assistance of the human essence. Thereby technology is not humanly overcome; much to the contrary, the essence of technology is converted into its still-concealed truth. This conversion is similar to what occurs when, in the human realm, a pain is converted. Yet the conversion of a dispensation of being, here and now the conversion of positionality, every time takes place through the arrival of another dispensation, which can be neither logically-historiologically predicted nor metaphysically construed as the result of a process of history. For the dispensation is never determined by something historical, and especially not by the historiologically conceived occurrence, but rather