Insight Into That Which Is [1617]

takes place and is first determined the presencing of what presences after the manner of the jug.

Today everything that presences is equally near and far. The distanceless dominates. All shortening and abolition of distances, however, brings no nearness. What is nearness? To find the essence of nearness, we considered a jug in the vicinity. We sought the essence of nearness and found the essence of the jug as thing. With this finding, however, we simultaneously become aware of the essence of nearness. The thing things. By thinging it lets the earth and sky, divinities and mortals abide. By letting abide, the thing brings the four in their remoteness near to each other. This bringing near is nearing. Nearing is the essence of nearness. Nearness brings near what is far off and indeed as the far-off. Nearness guards what is remote. Guarding remoteness, nearness essences in its nearing. Nearing in such a manner, nearness conceals itself and remains in its way what is most near.

The thing is not “in” the vicinity as though this would be a container. Nearness reigns in nearing as the thinging of the thing.

By thinging, the thing lets the united four, earth and sky, divinities and mortals, abide in the single fold of their fourfold, united of themselves.

The earth is the building bearer, what nourishingly fructifies, tending waters and stones, plants and animals.

When we say earth then we already think, in case we are thinking, the other three along with it from the single fold of the fourfold.

The sky is the path of the sun, the course of the moon, the gleam of the stars, the seasons of the year, the light and twilight of day, the dark and bright of the night, the favor and inclemency of the weather, drifting clouds, and blue depths of the ether.

When we say sky then we already think, in case we are thinking, the other three along with it from the single fold of the four.

The divinities are the hinting messengers of godhood. From the concealed reign of these there appears the god in his essence, withdrawing him from every comparison with what is present.

When we name the divinities then we already think, in case we are thinking, the other three along with them from the single fold of the four.

Martin Heidegger (GA 79) The Thing - Bremen and Freiburg Lectures

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