is anxious about naked Dasein as something that has been thrown into uncanniness. It brings one back to the pure "that-it-is" of one's ownmost individualized thrownness. This bringing-back has neither the character of an evasive forgetting nor that of a remembering. But just as little does anxiety imply that one has already taken over one's existence into one's resolution and done so by a repeating. On the contrary, anxiety brings one back to one's thrownness as something possible which can be repeated. And in this way it also reveals the possibility of an authentic potentiality-for-Being—a potentiality which must, in repeating, come back to its thrown "there", but come back as something future which comes towards [zukünftiges]. The character of having been is constitutive for the state-of-mind of anxiety; and bringing one face to face with repeatability is the specific ecstatical mode of this character .
The forgetting which is constitutive for fear, bewilders Dasein and lets it drift back and forth between 'worldly' possibilities which it has not seized upon. In contrast to this making-present which is not held on to, the Present of anxiety is held on to when one brings oneself back to one's ownmost thrownness. The existential meaning of anxiety is such that it cannot lose itself in something with which it might be concerned. If anything like this happens in a similar state-of-mind, this is fear, which the everyday understanding confuses with anxiety. But even though the Present of anxiety is held on to, it does not as yet have the character of the moment of vision, which temporalizes itself in a resolution. Anxiety merely brings one into the mood for a possible resolution. The Present of anxiety holds the moment of vision at the ready [auf dem Sprung]; as such a moment it itself, and only itself, is possible.
The temporality of anxiety is peculiar; for anxiety is grounded primordially in having been, and only out of this do the future and the Present temporalize themselves; in this peculiar temporality is demonstrated the possibility of that power which is distinctive for the mood of anxiety. In this, Dasein is taken all the way back to its naked uncanniness, and becomes fascinated by it.1 This fascination, however, not only takes Dasein back from its 'worldly' possibilities, but at the same time gives it the possibility of an authentic potentiality-for-Being.
1 'An der eigentümlichen Zeitlichkeit der Angst, class sie ursprünglich in der Gewesenheit gründet und aus ihr erst Zukunft und Gegenwart sich zeitigen, erweist sich die Mögichkeit der Mächtigkeit, durch die sich die Stimmung der Angst auszeichnet. In ihr ist das Dasein völlig auf seine nackte Unheimlichkeit zurückgenommen und von ihr benommen.' In these two sentences there are no less than six feminine nouns which might serve as the antecedents of the pronouns 'sie' and 'ihr' in their several appearances. We have chosen the interpretation which seems most plausible to us, but others are perhaps no less defensible. The etymological connection between 'zurückgenommen' ('taken . . . back') and 'benommen' ('fascinated') does not show up in the English version; it is obviously deliberate, and it gets followed up in the next sentence.