Only in keeping silent does the conscience call; that is to say, the call comes from the soundlessness of uncanniness, and the Dasein which it summons is called back into the stillness of itself, and called back as something that is to become still. Only in reticence, therefore, is this silent discourse understood appropriately in wanting to have a conscience. It takes the words away from the common-sense idle talk of the "they".
The common-sense way of interpreting the conscience, which 'sticks rigorously to the facts', takes the silent discourse of the conscience as an occasion for passing it off as something which is not at all ascertainable or present-at-hand. The fact that "they", who hear and understand nothing but loud idle talk, cannot 'report' any call, is held against the conscience on the subterfuge that it is 'dumb' and manifestly not present-at-hand. With this kind of interpretation the "they" merely covers up its own failure to hear the call and the fa ct that its 'hearing' does not reach very far.
The disclosedness of Dasein in wanting to have a conscience, is thus constituted by anxiety as state-of-mind, by understanding as a projection of oneself upon one's ownmost Being-guilty, and by discourse as reticence. This distinctive and authentic disclosedness, which is attested in Dasein itself by its conscience-this reticent self-projection up on one's ownmost Being-guilty, [297] in which one is ready for anxiety-we call "resoluteness".
Resoluteness is a distinctive mode of Dasein's disclosedness.1 In an earlier passage, however, we have Interpreted disclosedness existentially as the primordial truth,x Such truth is primarily not a quality of 'judgment' nor of any definite way of behaving, but something essentially constitutive for Being-in-the-world as such. Truth must be conceived as a fundamental existentiale. In our ontological clarification of the proposition that 'Dasein is in the truth' we have called attention to the primordial disclosedness of this entity as the truth of existence; and for the delimitation of its character we have referred to the analysis of Dasein's authenticity.xi
In resoluteness we have now arrived at that truth of Dasein which is most primordial because it is authentic. Whenever a "there" is disclosed, its whole Being-In-the-world-that is to say, the world, Being-in, and the Self which, as an 'I am', this entity is-is disclosed with equal primordiality.2 Whenever the world is disclosed, entities within-the-world have
1 The etymological connection between 'Entschlossenheit' ('resoluteness') and 'Erschlossenheit' ('disclosedness') is not to be overlooked.
2 'Die Erschlossenheit des Da erschliesst gleichurspriinglich das je ganze In-der-Welt-sein das heisst die Welt das In-Sein und das Selbst, das als "ich bin" dieses Seiende ist.' It i; not clear grammatically whether 'dieses Seiende' or the pronoun 'das' is the subject of the final clause, or whether 'this entity' is 'Dasein' or ''. The grammatical function of the 'als "ich bin"' is also doubtful. In support of our interpretation, consult H. 54, 114, 117, 267 .