§28. Movement as ἐντελέχεια τοῦ δυνάμει ποιητικοῦ [320–322]

ἁπλῶς θεῖναι the categories: δυνατὸν ποσόν—on the basis of this ability-to-be as μὴ ὄν, στέρησις—movement is not yet necessary.108 One may not simply say: κίνησις is, absolutely, the ἐνέργεια of something able-to-be. Something able-to-be is not, without further qualification, moved.109

d) Movement as ἀτελής in Relation to the ἔργον

Κίνησις is defined as a being-present that has the character of the ἀτελής,110 of the “not at the end.” What is able-to-be (the wood lying before in the workshop), that is in work, is there as able-to-be precisely when it is taken up into work. In this sense, one can say that maintaining-in-work is the τέλος of the δυνάμει ὂν ᾗ τοιοῦτον. The being-in-the-possibility comes into its end in the being-in-work, and then is genuinely what it is, namely, ability-to-be. But it is not completed in relation to the ἔργον of ποίησις. Insofar as being ultimately means being-in-its-end, maintaining-itself-in-its-end in a conclusive sense, ἐντελέχεια, Aristotle must, if he is to speak cautiously, designate the being-there of beings-in-movement as ἐνέργεια.111 Ἀτελής is the δυνατόν as such, not at the end, but it is right there through ἐνέργεια. At this point, Aristotle emphasizes that this peculiar ontological fact of the matter “is difficult to see, but can be,”112 and in fact is, insofar as we see something moved (primary reference to ἐπαγωγή!).113

§28. Movement as ἐντελέχεια τοῦ δυνάμει ποιητικοῦ καὶ παθητικοῦ
(Physics Γ3)

a) Outline of the Chapter

In Chapter 3, the genuine definition and determination of movement first reaches its aim. First, the synopsis of the chapter, which is not simply transparent in its structure.

202 a 13–21: Topic: recalling the character of moving, namely, the presence of the movable and of what moves.114 Up to this point, we found that this distinction was not treated thematically in an explicit way. The question is posed: ἐν τίνι ἡ κίνησις; “where is movement?” Is movement the determination of what moves or of what is moved? The answer reads: μία ἀμφοῖν, that is, μία ἐνέργεια,115 “one and the same mode of being-present for both.”

108. Phys. Γ 2, 201 b 29 sqq.

109. See Hs. p. 384 ff.

110. Phys. Γ 2, 201 b 32.

111. Phys. Γ 2, 201 b 31.

112. Phys. Γ 2, 202 a 2 sq.: χαλεπὴν μὲν ἰδεῖν, ἐνδεχομένην δ᾽ εἶναι.

113. Phys. Α 2, 185 a 13 sq.: δῆλον δ᾽ ἐκ τῆς ἐπαγωγῆς.

114. Phys. Γ 3, 202 a 14: ἐντελέχεια γάρ ἐστι τούτου [τοῦ κινητοῦ] ὑπὸ τοῦ κινητικοῦ.

115. Phys. Γ 3, 202 a 18: μία ἡ ἀμφοῖν ἐνέργεια.

Martin Heidegger (GA 18) Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy

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