The Being-There of Human Beings as the Indigenous
Character of Conceptuality
§23. Showing of the Possibility of Conceptuality in Being-There
according to Concretely Giving Basic Experience,
Guiding Claim, and Prevailing Intelligibility
The consideration of the being-there of human beings as being-in-the-world has been brought to a certain conclusion. This being-in-the-world has the basic character of its being in λόγος. Λόγος pervades being-in. What is preserved in λόγος is the manner and mode in which the world and the being-there that is itself discovered therein are opened up. Λόγος disposes over the particular discoveredness and openedness of the world. It allows us the directions in which being-there can interrogate the world and itself.
Toward what purpose did the interrogating of the world and of the being-there of the human beings in it strive? It was examined with respect to the indigenous character of conceptuality, specifically with the purpose of understanding conceptuality itself. And that because only in conceptuality is every concept to be understood as what it is. Insofar as conceptuality is understood, the guiding clue to seeing concrete concepts is given. It had the purpose of setting forth basic concepts, of making conceptuality visible, and appropriating it for the understanding thereof. It sought conceptuality where conceptuality itself is at home and as such, from where it arises: that being in which something like conceptuality can be. With the emphasis on the indigenous character of conceptuality—on its indigenous Greek character—we have fulfilled a task that is placed before every interpretation, insofar as interpretation needs to be oriented by that of which it speaks.
We have characterized conceptuality according to three aspects: (1) concretely giving basic experience, (2) determined by the guiding claim, and (3) by the prevailing intelligibility. The question concerning the indigenous character of conceptuality is the question as to where and how the three above-named characters possess their being, such that they are possible in this being itself, such that they grow out of it, and even constitute a possibility of this being. The answer to the question concerning the indigenous character of conceptuality