§21. Φόβος [248–250]

laid claim to in this being befallen by a πάθος. Thereby, the inner connection between πάθος and λόγος is set forth—λόγος as a mode of fulfillment of κρίνειν.

§21. Φόβος (RhetoricΒ 5)

We are transitioning to the characteristic of fear, which Aristotle treats along two directions in Rhetoric, Book 2, Chapter 5:

1. φόβος as πάθος: the way that “being-afraid” represents a fully determinate concretion of “being-out-of-composure.”

2. φόβος as πίστις—genuine clue to the interpretation of the Rhetoric: to what extent “being-afraid,” as a basic determination of the being-there of the other, of the hearer, co- speaks in deliberating, becoming-conclusive about an affair that is to be settled.

a) Schematic Outline of the Characterization of Fear

I will offer an entirely schematic outline of how fear is to be characterized in this chapter:

At 1382 a 20–27, Aristotle provides (1) topic, (2) definition, (3) basic determinations in their initial description.

At 1382 a 27-b 2, Aristotle characterizes the φοβερόν, or more precisely: the φοβερά,347 the “fearsome,” the “frightful,” in the sense that designates what sends me into fear upon meeting it. The consideration of σημεῖα,348 of the encounter-characters of the fearsome, that the fearsome announces, is also contained in the consideration of the φοβερά. Φοβερά are objects, circumstances, and so on.

At 1382 b 2–22, Aristotle deals with the φοβεροί,349 φοβερά with the character of living, other humans, inasmuch as other humans with whom I live are, for me, in the character of the φοβερόν.

At 1382 b 22–27, Aristotle gives the thoroughgoing determination of the φοβερόν: the aspect that constitutes the givenness of the fearsome refers to both φοβερά and φοβεροί.

At 1382 b 28–1383 a 8: the disposition of fear, the manner and mode of how I must find myself in order to be in fear, or the ability to be sent into fear. Only with this aspect does the genuine interpretation come to its end. Only here is the phenomenon of fear genuinely visible.

At 1383 a 8–12, Aristotle characterizes the clue to the cultivation of πίστις on the basis of the phenomenon of fear determined in this way. Φόβος and

347. Rhet. Β 5, 1382 a 28.

348. Rhet. Β 5, 1382 a 30 sq.

349. Rhet. Β 5, 1382 b 7.

Martin Heidegger (GA 18) Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy

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