experiences. These should play a role, but only in a broader sense, and perhaps to a fundamentally different extent. In turn, the ideological extravagances were dismissed, while strict adherence to the attitude of doing scientific research was raised to the level of a principle.
[29] Life—history-of-spirit—experiences—science, from there even primal science—? And then once again: the original region is not expected to be given, it may first have to be won.
All of that emerged for us "bit by bit" in a consideration that was easygoing, naive, pre-scientific. The peculiarity was likewise pointed out, in a preliminary way, that the actual object region of scientific philosophy as phenomenology is not even to be found in life in itself. What does that mean: the object region of philosophy is not pre-given? Why not? Where does it lie? Which tasks spring from it? To start with, before all further consideration of the question as to how the original region in general should be pre-given, and further, before all further consideration of what "pre-give" and "give" mean anyway (in the sense of radical phenomenological idealism), the sphere must first be studied, wherein, ostensibly, the necessity of an explicitly methodological giving of the object-region of philosophy has its roots.
What, then, this "life in itself" is, what is meant by this word combination- it is necessary to define this provisionally. [One thing may be noted right away: it does not have to do with tracing a primal force of life, it does not have to do with bringing in questions from the natural sciences or even, in the conventional sense, with bringing in questions from the philosophy of nature. Rather, it has to do with something completely different.] Something that lies so near to us that we mostly do not even expressly concern ourselves with it; something from which we have no distance to see it in its "at all"; and the distance to it is lacking, because we are it itself and we only see ourselves from out of life itself; we only see that we are, that it is us (accusative), in its own directions. [The absolute distance of life in itself and to itself is missing.]