Martin Heidegger -- Teachers

Complied by Daniel Fidel Ferrer and Dr. Alfred Denker

August 22, 2003.

Part of a on-going project of the Martin Heidegger Forschungsgruppe.
Specifically: Dr. Alfred Denker and Daniel Ferrer.

This web site is under construction, but hopefully it maybe a starting
point for additional research on Martin Heidegger (1889-1976).

In general, this gives the known classes that Martin Heidegger took from
these different teachers. Some of their publications and web sites where
you can find more details.

Below, Georg von (1858-1927) Philosophy Department
History of the German state from the sixteenth century to the present.
Four hours. 1911. WS.
Other 100 books listed:
Well known: Geschichte der deutschen landwirtschaft des mittelalters in ihren

Braig, Carl (1853-1923)
Introduction to Catholic Dogmatics: The Doctrine of God. 1911. WS.
Theological Cosmology: The Creation, Preservation, and Governance of the World.
Four hours.1911 SS.
Heidegger was reading Braig's book entitled: Vom Sein. Abriss der Ontologie.
1896.(On Being: An Outline of Ontology).
Other book: Vom Denken; Abriss de Logik. 1896.
See Attached images of this book on Logic: 1 2 3
Carl Braig photos. 1

Brandhuber, Camillo (1860-1931)
Private lessons, Latin.

Doflein, Franz
Zoology [Prof. Franz Doflein] 1912 SS
Books: Mazedonien: Erlebnisse und Bobachtungen eines Naturforschers im Gefolge des deutschen Heeres. Jena: Fischer 1921. (592 pages)
Das Tier als Glied des Naturganzen. Leipzig: Teubner 1914 (960 pages)
Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde: eine Darstellung der Naturgeschichte der Protozoen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der parasitischen und pathogenen Formen. Jena: G. Fischer 1913 (1043 pages).

Finke, Heinrich (1855-1938) Philosophy Department
The Age of the Renaissance (History of the Later Middle Ages). Four hours. 1911.
The Age of the Renaissance. Four hours. 1913. SS.

Gatterman, Ludwig (1860-1920)
Experimental Inorganic Chemistry. [Prof. Ludwig Gatterman, five hours.] 1912. WS
Book: Die Praxis des organischen Chemikers: mit 2. Tab. Leipzig: Veith 1910.

Göller, Emil (1874-1933)
Part One: Introduction, Sources, and Constitution. Four hours. 1911. WS.
Catholic Canon Law, Part One: Introduction, Sources, and Constitution. Four
hours.1911. WS.
Book: Die Periodisierung der Kirchengeschichte und die epochale Stellung des Mittelalters zwischen dem christlichen Altertum und der Neuzeit . Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1969

Heffter, Lothar (1862-1962)
The Analytic Geometry of Space. One hour. 1912. WS.
Exercises in Analytic Geometry. One hour. 1912. WS.
Algebraic Analysis. Three hours. 1912. SS.
Exercises in [Algebraic] Analysis. One hour. 1912. SS.
Higher Algebra. Four hours. 1913 WS.
Books: with C. Koehler: Lehrbuch der analytischen Geometrie: Grundlagen; projektive, euklidische, nichteuklidische Geometrie. Karlsruhe: Braun. Vol. 2 written by Heffter.

Himstedt, Franz
Experimental Physics. Two hours. 1912. WS.
Experimental Physics. Five hours. 1912. SS.

Hoberg, Gottfried (1857-1924)
Messianic Prophesies. Three hours. 1910. WS.
Hermeneutics, with the History of Exegesis. Two hours. 1910. WS.
Well known book: Die Genesis nach dem Literalsinn erklart

Husserl, Edmund (1859-1938)
Heidegger begins reading Husserl's Logische Untersuchungen
(Logical Investigations), in 1909. However, he did not
meet Husserl until 1916.
From 1919 to 1923 Heidegger was Husserl's assistant.
Their last known meeting was January 23, 1933.

Web links:
The Husserl Page
Edmund Husserl (1859–1938)

Königsberger, Leo
Theoretical Physics: Electricity and Magnitism. 1912/13 WS
Books: Die Prinzipien der Mechanik: mathematische Untersuchungen. Leipzig: Teubner 1901 (228 pages)
Lehrbuch der Theorie der Differentialgleichungen mit einer unabhängigen Variablen. Leipzig: Teubner 1889 (485 pages)

Krebs, Engelbert (1881-1950)
Krebs met Heidegger in the summer of 1913 at the University of Freiburg, where he was teaching as a 'Privatdozent'. They became close friends and prepare their lecture courses together. In the summer of 1916 they jointly held a seminar on Aristotle's logic. At the request of Rickert Krebs wrote a review of Heidegger's Scotus book. He married Heidegger and Elfride Petry in 1917. After Heidegger's break with Catholocism their friendship ended. From 1919 on Krebs was Professor for Dogmatics at Freiburg University. In 1936 he was forced to resign by the Nazi government.

Books: Meister Dietrich 1906, Was kein Auge gesehen. Die Ewigkeitshoffnung der Kirche nach ihren Lehrentscheidungen und Gebeten 1918, Dogma und Leben , 2 Bde. 1921-25, Grundfragen der christlichen Mystik, 1921.

Künstle, Karl (1859-1932)
Patrology. WS 1909/10
Books: Antipriscilliana: dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchung und Texte aus dem Streite gegen Priscillians Irrlehre. Freiburg: Herder, 1905. (248 pages). About Priscillian, Bishop of Avila, ca. 350-385.

Lask, Emil (1875-1915)
Lask was Rickert's most influential student after Heidegger. In 1910 he became Professor of Philosophy at Heidelberg University. His influence on the early Heidegger can hardly be over-estimated (Cf. HGA, Bd. 1, "Frühe Schriften", S. 24ff., 32ff., 46, 56, 154, 177f., 191, 205, 267, 335f., 383f., 405ff.). He was killed in action in 1915.
Main works:
Fichtes Idealismus und die Geschichte 1902
Die Logik der Philosophie und die Kategorienlehre
Die Lehre vom Urteil

Loewy, Alfred (1873-1935)
Differential Calculus. Four hours. 1912. WS.
Exercises in Differential Calculus. One hour. 1912. WS.
Integral Calculus. Four hours. 1912 SS.
Exercises in Integral Calculus. One hour. 1912. SS.
Theory of Differential Equations. Four hours. 1913. WS.
Book: Lehrbuch der Algreba: Band 1: Grundlagen der Aithmetik. 1915 (398 pages)

Mayer, Julius (1857-1926)
General Moral Theology, Parts One through Three. Three hours. 1911. WS.
The Doctrine of Property. One hours. 1911. WS.
Special Moral Theology, Parts One and Two. Four hours. 1911. SS.
Inaug.-Diss.--Bern. Zur Kenntnis der normalen Brenzweinsäure (Glutarsäure).
Well known work: Geschichte der Benediktinerabtei St. Peter auf dem Schwarzwald

Olltmanns, Friedrich
Fundamentals of botany. 1912 SS
Olltmanns specialized in the botany of the Black Forest and Baden region.

Pfeilschifter, Georg (1870-1936)
General History of the Church, Part One, with particular consideration of the
sixteenth century. Six hours. 1910. WS.
General History of the Church, Part Two, New Time. Six hours. 1910. SS.
General History of the Church, Part Three, The Age of the Enlightenment. One
hour. WS 1911.
Books: Theoderich der Grosse. Mainz: Kirchheim 1910 (137 pages).

Rickert, Heinrich (1863-1936)
Introduction to Epistemology and Metaphysics. Two hours. 1912. SS.
Seminar: Epistemological Exercises in the Doctrine of Judgment. 1912. SS.
Introduction to Philosophy. 1912/13 WS
Seminar: Exercises in the Doctrine of Subject. 1912/13 WS.
Logic (Fundamentals of Theoretical Philosophy). 1913 SS.
Seminar: Exercises in Metaphysics through the writings Henri Bergson. 1913 SS.
German Philosophy from Kant to Nietzsche (Historical Introduction into contemporary Problems). WS 1913/14
Seminar: Exercises in the Philosophy of History (Doctrine of Method of the Humanities). 1913/14 WS.
System of Philosophy. 1914 SS.
Seminar: Exercises in Epistemology. 1914 SS.
Introduction to Philosophy 1914/15 WS
Seminar: Introduction to Systematic Philosophy in connection with Hegel. 1914/15 WS.
Fundamental Problems of Logic (Foundation of theoretical Philosophy). 1915 SS.
Seminar: Exercises in Lotzes Logic. 1915 SS.
German Philosophy from Kant to Nietzsche (Historical Introduction into contemporary Problems). WS 1913/14
Seminar: Exercises. WS 1915/16.

Heidegger wrote his Habilitationsschrift under Rickert with the title of:
Duns Scotus' Doctrine of Meaning and Categories. July 1915.
(Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus).
Publication September 1916 with an additional chapter on the problem of categories.

See the recently published letters between Heidegger and Rickert.
Briefe 1912 bis 1933 und andere Dokument.
Frankfurt : Klostermann, 2002.
Edited by Alfred Denker.
Heidegger was strongly influenced by his books
Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis
Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung

Sauer, Joseph (1872-1949)
Specialist in Meister Eckhart.
The History of Medieval Mysticism. Two hours. 1911. WS.
The Christian Art of the Nineteenth Century and the Present. One hour. 1911. SS.
Editor of Literarische Rundschau für das katholische Deutschland,
where Heidegger published some of his earliest writings. See GA 1.
Some of his books: S ymbolik des kirchengebäudes und seiner ausstattung in der
auffassung des mittelalters

Mystik und Kunst : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Oberrheins.
1921/22 Dekan der Theologischen Fakultät
1931/32 Dekan der Theologischen Fakultät
Rector of Freiburg University 1926-1927, 1932-1933.
Title: Papal House Prelate.
Professor of Christian Archeology and Art History.

Schanzenbach , Leonhard (1852-1938)
Classes: Religion and Hebrew at Berthold Gymnasium three years.

Schneider, Arthur Carl August (1876-1945)
Logic and Epistemology. Four hours. 1912. WS.
Seminar: Spinoza's Ethics. 1912. WS.
General History of Philosophy Four hours. 1913. WS.
Exercises in Epistemology. 1913. WS.
Note: may have studied with Husserl pre-1900.
Heidegger wrote his Ph.D. under Schneider with the title of:
Die Lehre vom Urteil im Psychologismus (1914).
Schneider's first work: Beiträge zur psychologie Alberts des Grossen.
Inaugural-dissertation--Universitat Breslau, Sept. 1900.
Subject : Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280. Psychologie.
Book: Die Psychologie Alberts des Grossen. 1903.
Well known book: Die abendländische Spekulation des zwölften
Jahrhunderts in ihremVerhältnis zur aristotelischen und
jüdischarabischen Philosophie.Eine Untersuchung über die
historischen Voraussetzungen des
Eindringens des Aristotelismus in die christliche
Philosophie des Mittelalters.
Heidegger quotes the following work by Schneider:
"Die abendländische Spekulatin des zwölften Jahrhunderts in ihrem Verhältnis
zur aristotelischen und jüdisch-arabischen Philosophie."
In: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters.
Bd. XVII, 4. Münster 1915

Straubinger, Heinrich (1878-)
Theory of Religion. Three hours. 1910. WS.
Theory of Revelation and of the Church. Three hours. 1910. SS.
Books: Die Christologie des hl. Maximus Confessor. 1906.
Texte zum Gottesbeweis: chronologisch Zusammengestellt und kurz erläutert. 1916.
Die religion und ihre grundwahrheiten in der deutschen philosophie seit Leibniz.
Additional works.

Web links:

Uebinger, Johann (1854-1912)
Logic. Four hours. 1910. WS
Philosophical Seminar. 1910. WS
Metaphysics. Four hours. 1910. SS
Book: Die Gotteslehre des Nikolaus Cusanus. 1888.

Vöge, Wilhelm (1868-1952)
Art classes.
Books: Die Anfänge des monumentalen Stiles im Mittelalter.
Eine Untersuchung über die erste Blütezeit französischer Plastik. 1894.
Many additional works.

Weber, Simon (1866-1929)
Erklärung des Briefes Pauli an die Römer (vierstündig). 1910 WS.
Introduction to the Sacred Scripture of the New Testament. Four hours. 1910. SS.
Exegesis of the Holy Gospel According to John. Four hours. 1911. WS.

Widder, Friedrich
German, Advanced Greek.
short books in Latin and one in German:
Schiller als erzählender Dichter. 1885.
Heidegger said:
"In the senior year of high school it was above all the Plato classes of
Gymnasium Professor Widder, who died some years ago, that introduced me to
philosophical problems more consciously, but not yet with theoretical rigor."
Note: It was the Plato's dialogue the Euthyphro that was studied.



Bibliographical Information

This list of courses and seminars that Heidegger attended was assembled by Alfred Denker on the basis of university records, Heidegger's correspondence and his Kollegienbuch. It is more comprehensive than the earlier list of Bernhard Casper and Thomas Sheehan. March 2002.

See: Bernhard Casper, "Martin Heidegger und die Theologische Fakultät Freiburg 1909 1923," in Remigius Bäumer, Karl Suso Frank, and Hugo Ott, eds., Kirche am Oberrhein. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Bistümer Konstanz und Freiburg (Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder, 1980), 534-541, here, 539 and n.14.
Thomas Sheehan, "Heidegger's Lehrjahre," in John Sallis et al., eds., The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1988, pp. 77-137.

I used Professor Dr. Thomas Sheehan's and Dr. Alfred Denker's
translations for this web page. Thanks for the use of the translations.
Daniel Fidel Ferrer.

Dr. Alfred Denker is at the
Center for Heidegger Studies (Centre des études heideggeriennes)
Heidegger Center
Alfred Denker's papers
Contact information: